Just a few updates:
I am doing my best to put up at least one article a day. Some days there may be 2 or 3 depending on how much coding repair I have to do. The cleanest articles will go up first without regard to subject or original date, etc. So at first, you might see a bit of a mishmash and wonder what I am doing. For now just consider the value of the original source and not the incompetence of the webmaster.
By the way, Kent will be providing me with a new page or post very soon outlining his hopes for the future of the Watchtower-Observer.org. He is aware of the size of the task ahead and my limitations involving time and other projects. But he knows I'll do my best and do it as quickly as humanly possible.
For now, each new (old) article will appear automatically at 12:00 midnight UTC, so those of you in the US and points west of the Atlantic pond will see them appear mid-day. Eastern Europe and points East will see them come up before breakfast.
You'll note that there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to the articles being chosen. Go back and read the first paragraph above for the primary reason. The secondary reason is that Kent's collection covers the whole spectrum of subjects connected to all things Watchtower and JW. Criminals, Governing Body (whoops! are those one and the same?), personalities, history, doctrine, court cases, books by and against apostates, and so many other subjects I can only scratch the surface. But you will find them all sorted by categories, by year Kent originally published, and by keywords. I've installed a very strong and effective search program that will begin to suggest the ten most likely articles that you are looking for, but will get more specific as you type in more text.
Although I've decided not to allow registration on the site to keep spammers and hackers off as much as possible, there is a subscription option (just requires your email address) that will automatically send new articles directly to your email box (you might want to set up a separate email address for that purpose). After much debate (mostly with myself), I've opened up most articles to comments. Anyone spamming, using extreme profanity, or being abusive will see their comments disappear and their IP blocked. I want everyone to enjoy the site and learn from it.
As I've mentioned before, Kent and I want as many new readers to discover this great resource. Just understand that a lot of the stories are very dated (although I do try to update some of the news articles as much as possible based on available news articles) - so please don't scratch your head and wonder why we are reprinting articles dating from 1998 to 2004. That's what Observer is - a time capsule. There are dozens of websites covering current stories that are doing a wonderful job of keeping us all informed. Observer is a history lesson.
And by the way, for those who knew that Kent Steinhaug has been quite ill in recent years, I can let you know that he is doing well, living in Northern Europe and has beaten a very nasty case of cancer. He wrote me the other day and told me that there are no signs of the cancer he had and that he is getting stronger every day. He loves the fact that many of the readers of JWN remember him and have been so supportive. But you'll all hear more from him on the site in a few days.
So check it out - feel free to subscribe - feel free to comment. http://watchtower-observer.org.
Juan Viejo2